Basti Panchakarma in monsoon : an ultimate detox

Ayurveda is a science of life. It emphasizes on curing diseases along with maintaining health of a healthy pal. So for that Ayurveda has mentioned yearly three seasons for detoxifying the body from toxins.  Vasant to eliminate vitiated Kapha, Sharad to eliminate vitiated Pitta & Monsoon, or Varsha Rhutu for vitiated Vaata. 

What is the basti procedure?

Basti is one of the procedures from the panchakarma therapies. Basti is an introduction of medicate decoction or kadha along with the emulsification of honey, medicated oil, and other medicine through anal opening.  It is carried out with the help of basti instruments such as rubber catheters and enema pots.  The basic procedure is carried out after full body oil application followed by a steam session.

What are the types of basti procedures to do this monsoon?

There are mainly two types of basti to be done in monsoon which are Kadha basti or niruha and another one is Tail basti or Anuvasana.  Generally, each one of them is introduced on an alternate day for 8 15, or 21 days. The duration of Basti depends on the chronicity of diseases and the accumulation of toxins in the system.


Eligibility for Monsoon Detox:

People who have healthy lifestyles and good physical and mental health are eligible for basti this monsoon season. Along with those people who are suffering from health issues are also eligible for the basti this monsoon.

Doing the Basti procedure in the monsoon has tremendous health benefits Such as:

It is beneficial for people suffering from;
  • People suffering from osteoporosis
  • People suffering from joint problems such as arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, spondylitis,
  • People suffering from disc bulge, herniated disc, slip disc, lower back pain & sciatica
  • People suffering from gastric issues like gastric disturbance, bloating, heaviness in the lower abdomen
  • People suffering from hair fall and other hair problems
  • People suffering from stubborn body fat
  • People suffering from menstrual problems
  • Helps to get rid of chronic constipation
  • Also beneficial for people trying to conceive naturally (for both male & female partners)
  • Helps in balancing the three doshas which are Vaata, Pitta & Kapha
  • Aids in the removal of accumulated toxins from the colon along with vitiated Vaata Dosha
  • Regulates Vata doshas by balancing the qualities vitiated
  • Enhances absorption of food by improving digestion
  • Nourishes and strengthens the colon tissues
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Boosts immunity by eliminating the toxins
  • Helps in the management of numerous gynecological issues
  • Can help regulate hormonal imbalance
  • Improves the tone and texture of the skin so helpful in various skin diseases



The Basti procedure holds a major compact in the panchakarma treatment. It is the main line of treatment for Vaata doshas which is a major causative factor for vitiating doshas in the body. So overcoming Vaata with basti during monsoon season can help you to restore the balance of health and eliminate the toxins from the body.

At Ayurvidhi Clinic we offer best ayurvedic panchakarma treatment for various diseases.

At Ayurvidhi Clinic we are giving a flat 20% discount on regular basti charges on 8 days basti program till 01.09.2024. We request you to communicate with us to know more and avail the benefit of this offer.

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The Ultimate Weapon against PCOS: Unleashing Ayurveda Panchakarma Treatment

PCOS means Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease.

PCOS or PCOD is a common disease found with a prevalence (number of diseased people in a specific area or region)  rate of 10% which means it is quite common in reproductive-age females. It is one of the main causes of anovulation which leads to infertility.

PCOS is widely described in various symptoms, but the most important symptoms include irregular periods, weight gain or obesity, and excessive growth of facial hair which are high to check for PCOS.

While modern medicine offers management options, Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, presents a holistic approach to addressing the root causes of PCOS and promoting hormonal harmony. In this blog, we will explore the symptoms of PCOS, delve into Ayurvedic principles regarding this condition, and discuss natural treatments to manage and potentially reverse its effects.

Understanding PCOS in Ayurveda

Ayurveda views PCOS as a result of an imbalance in the doshas, primarily Vata and Kapha. This imbalance especially with Apana Vaata can affect the functioning of the reproductive system, leading to irregular periods, cyst formation, and hormonal disturbances. Ayurveda emphasizes the restoration of balance in the body and mind to address the underlying causes of PCOS. One of the main causes of finding out

Common Symptoms of PCOS

Irregular Menstrual Cycles: PCOS often causes infrequent, irregular, or prolonged menstrual periods.

Ovulation Issues: Women with PCOS may experience irregular or absent ovulation, which can lead to infertility.

Hirsutism: Excessive hair growth, particularly on the face, chest, and back, is a common symptom of PCOS.

Acne and Oily Skin: Hormonal imbalances in PCOS can lead to acne and excessively oily skin.

Weight Gain: Many women with PCOS struggle with weight gain, especially around the abdominal area.

Insulin Resistance: PCOS is often associated with insulin resistance, which can lead to type 2 diabetes.

The above signs and symptoms can indicate PCOS. But for the confirmed diagnosis of PCOS, you must consult your doctor and do an Ultrasound.

Ayurvedic Treatments for PCOS

Diet and Nutrition: Ayurveda emphasizes a balanced diet to manage PCOS. Include whole grains, organic food, fiber-rich foods, fresh vegetables, and lean proteins. Avoid processed foods, excessive sugar, and unhealthy fats. Ghee (clarified butter) is encouraged for its nourishing qualities.

Medication or Herbal Remedies: Ayurvedic herbs such as Shatavari, Ashwagandha, Dashmool, and Turmeric are known for their hormonal balancing properties and can be beneficial in managing PCOS symptoms. (Before taking any medication consult your doctor)

Lifestyle Modifications: Regular exercises, such as yoga specifically Surya-namaskara, and brisk walking, can help improve insulin sensitivity, manage weight, and reduce stress.

Panchakarma: Ayurvedic detoxification procedures, particularly Vaman (therapeutic emesis), Virechana (therapeutic purgation), and Basti (therapeutic Enema) can help eliminate toxins and balance hormones.

Abhyanga: Self-massage with warm herbal oils can promote relaxation and balance Vata, which is often aggravated in PCOS.

External Therapies: Specific treatments like Udvartana (herbal powder massage) Swedana (herbal steam therapy), Shirodhara, and Nasya can support hormone regulation.

Stress Management: High stress levels can exacerbate PCOS symptoms. Meditation, yoga & Pranayama (deep breathing exercises) like Anulom-Vilom, Bhrahamari, and Sitali-Sitkari can help manage stress.

(Treatment and medicine mentioned above are only for information please consult your Ayurveda Doctor before consuming any Ayurvedic medication.)

PCOS can be a challenging condition, but Ayurveda offers a comprehensive and holistic approach to managing its symptoms and promoting hormonal harmony. By addressing the root causes of PCOS, adopting a balanced lifestyle, and by incorporating Ayurvidhi Clinic’s Ayurvedic & Panchakarma treatments many women have found relief from the distressing symptoms of this condition.

Remember that Ayurvedic treatments may take time to show results, so patience and consistency are key. With dedication to these natural therapies, you can take significant steps towards managing PCOS and achieving hormonal balance.

At Ayurvidhi Clinic (Ayurveda Panchakarma Treatment Centre) we provide the best ayurvedic & panchakarma treatment for PCOS & infertility problems.

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11 Yoga-asana you should start this International Yoga Day!!!

 Yoga is a word derived from the Sanskrit word “yuj” which means to connect. It helps to maintain the connection between mind, body & soul.  Nowadays yoga is popularised for maintaining health and body posture.

Let’s find some easy yoga-asana that you can do easily at home to maintain your health:

1. Tadasana (ताडासन):

This is a standing asana done standing straight and raising hands above.

Benefits: Helps to develop steadiness in the body. Releases stress on arms, legs, and back muscles.

2. Paad-angushthasana (पाद-अंगुष्ठ-आसन): This asana is one of the basic. In simple terms touching your own toes. It can be done while standing or sitting on the ground.

Benefits: Beneficial for spine health. Also helps to relive the abdomen pain that occurs during menstruation

3. Vrukshasana (वृक्षासान): This is a tree similar position created by standing on one leg with other folded and relaxed on the thigh of other muscle.

Benefits: Helps to develop the balance, concentration.

4. Trikonasana (त्रिकोणासन): Triangle pose made by touching our feets with crossed leg with wide open apart.

Benefits: Helps to release the stress of spine by twisting of muscles attached to it. Muscles of hips are stretched which helps in people having sitting jobs.

5. Vajrasana (वज्रासन): Thunderbolt pose or diamonds pose. This is simple sitting pose by kneeling and sitting back on legs to take weight off your knees.

Benefits: It is beneficial to do this asana for few minutes after meal to improve digestion. Also helps to improve strength of muscles of thigh and calves.

6. Shashakasana (शशंकासन) : Rabbit pose done by first sitting in vajrasana and then bending forward and stretching the arms.

Benefits: Helps to releves the stress and tension. Improves gut health and helps in constipation.

7. Bhujangasana (भुजंगसन): Cobra pose done sleeping on your belly then lifting the upper body from hip with help of hands.

Benefits: Helps to relieve stress. Helps to stretched abdomen which improves gut health. Good to improve the respiratory system.

8. Padmasana (पद्मासन): Lotus Pose. It is a modified Indian sitting pose done by crossed leg and resting feet on either laps facing upwards.

Benefits: Ideal for meditation. Improves muscle strength of hip muscle and thigh muscle. This asana helps to upward the blood flow toward navels which helps to improve the digestion and gut health.

9. Ardhahalasana (अर्धहलासन): This is the asana done sleeping back on and lifting both legs from hips by making 90 degree angle in the leg and hip.

Benefits: Relieves muscle tension of calf muscle and feet.

10. Pawanmuktasana (पवनमुक्तासन): This asana performed by one leg hold closed to the stomach while other is rotated in the air making an imaginary circle.

Benefits: Helps to release gases and flatulence. Helps in digestion.

11. Surya-namaskara (सूर्य नमस्कार): A complete yoga-asana actively involves all the muscle of body. It is set of  asana done in a uniformly active speed of motion.  It is good combination of asana and pranayama.

Benefits: Helps to stretch every muscle of body and release its tension. It helps to improves digestion and the gut health.

Precaution to be taken:

People suffering from arthritis, severe osteoporosis, old age patient are advised to by expert advise.

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