You all know panchakarma therapies. Let’s revise it again Vamana, Virechana, Basti, Nasya & Raktamokshana are the five karma therapies known as Panchakarma. Its merits, demerits, indications & contraindications will be discussed in another blog. In this blog will see how they are planned in three simple steps to give you maximum benefits.

Before jumping the world of panchakarma therapies one should how it is been scheduled. This will help to understand the nature of procedure and its benefits.

For an e.g. while preparing a meal or any dish we do pre-cooking, cooking & post-cooking cleaning, the same thing happens with panchakarma therapies, it’s a three-step program designed for every one of the panchakarmas. They are termed as Purva-karma, Pradhana-karma & Paschat-karma.

  • 1) Purva-karma: (Pre-Panchakarma measures or procedures):

Before doing the main procedure one has to under go the pre operative measures.  It’s a simple two types of procedure executed before panchakarma as a preoperative measure. It has two 1) Snehana, and 2) Swedana; both this procedure is carried out for 3 to 7 days as per one Prakriti, Agni, Bala, health condition, age, etc.

A) Snehana: It is oleation therapy done by using oiling agents like ghee & oil. Based on application or introduction it’s been categorized into internal application (Abhyantar Snehana) & external application (Baahya Snehana).

  • Baahya Snehana: It is a procedure of applying oil externally to the body with gentle pressure in such a manner to get absorbed in the body. It is a type of body massage with herbal ayurvedically prepared oils.
  • Abhyantar Snehana: The introduction of oil or ghee in such an amount, that it gets digested easily with increasing dose of it every day up to getting specific results is known as abhyantar snehana. In simple terms, it is the drinking of ghee.

B) Swedana: Making the body sweet by using various types of hot fomentation is known as swedana. It is done by steaming the body with steam of ayurvedic decoction.

What is the necessity of Snehana & Swedana??

Both the procedures (Both types of Snehana & Swedana) are very helpful in loosening up the toxins from the system. This helps them to bring the toxins into the elementary canal or system from where they can be drained out of the body from the nearest exit easily.

Both types of Snehana & Swedana are prescribed before Vamana, Virechana & Raktamokshana. While before Basti & Nasya required only external Snehana & Swedana are done.

2) Pradhana karma:

This is a day therapy program to expel the toxins from the body through the nearest exits they need. These are;

  • Vamana– toxins from the stomach are expelled through the mouth with the help of emesis.
  • Virechana– toxins from below the stomach are expelled out through the anal opening with purgative medicine
  • Basti– toxins present in the colon are expelled by introducing the enema through the anal opening & then it carries all toxins out with it.
  • Nasya– toxins present at the head and organs attached to it are expelled out from the nostrils.
  •  Raktamokshana– toxins present in the blood are expelled with the help of jalauka (leech) or syringes from the skin & veins.


3) Paschat karma or Uttar Karma (Post-operative measures):

After completing any of the main karma from panchakarma postoperative measures are a must. These are simple diet rules designed according to the condition of the body to recover faster without any discomfort.  The diet regulation starts from having just boiled rice water, and then shifts to gruel, after that khichadi then after that to regular roti sabji. This also continues up to 3 to 5 days.

What is the necessity of the Paschat karma??

The paschat karma is adopted to regulate the homeostasis of the body after doing panchakarma. During the first two panchakarma procedures, Agni has to go through various changes that lead to weakening Agni or Agni-Mandya. This diet management helps to restore its ability to normal in a very short time.  This also prevents from getting unnecessary complications after the panchakarma.

Doing the panchakarma in the right way helps to flush out toxins from the body, helps to balance doshas & dhaatus equilibrium, boosts immunity, and builds better health.

At Ayurvidhi Clinic we provide the best panchakarma in an authentic ayurvedic way.