Ayurveda is a time tested science since ages by sages. The principles of ayurveda are time tested.

The fasting ritual done on waxing phase of moon on ashadha month is auspicious and widely followed in Maharashtra. This day of Ekadashi is popularly known as Devshayani Ekadashi. Shayana means to rest or to sleep. From this day God Vishnu rest on Shesha Naaga in cosmic ocean & awakens on the Ekadashi of Kartik month known as Devprabodhani Ekadashi. The duration of these four months, from Ashadha to Kartik is known as Chaaturmaasa in the Indian calendar. During this time various fasting rituals are done on various occasions during Chaaturmaasa.

Let’s know about the science behind the Fasting in Ayurvedic way;

In ayurveda, Agni is an extremely important factor in digestive system responsible for good digestive health.  The balanced state of Agni is responsible for the health while imbalance of Agni responsible for creating a disease.

The Chaaturmaasa is falls during the Adana-kaal in ayurveda calendar. During this time the digestion power Agni is disturbed due to environmental changes leading to manda-agni. This manda-agni is responsible for various digestive disorders due to undigested food or toxins (aama rasa) in gastric tract. So to avoid such issues fasting is done as a ritual.

The fasting process is termed as Langhana in ayurveda texts. Langhana word is derived from Laghu which means light or subtle. In langhana ayurveda suggests to avoid eating for specific time duration & consuming warm water.

The langhana helps to enhance metabolism by digesting the residual undigested food (aama), increase assimilation by improving and eliminating toxins from cellular level, promoting gut health. Langhana helps in reduction of fat and mass; improves, rejuvenates body system and also improves physical and physiological health.